Thursday, June 20, 2013


Lisa and I used to take turns babysitting for our neighbors. They had a little boy and a baby daughter. She was a fat pudgy baby that I adored! Her mother would get her to sleep and call me to come babysit so she could go buy groceries. I would always figure out some way to wake the baby up so I could hold her. 
I also used to babysit at night for them to go "out" sometimes. I was the one usually called for that job because I was the oldest. Sometimes, they would let us do it together. We used to get into their liquor cabinet. We thought we were so cool taking a drink out of the vodka or bourbon bottle. We would also eat everything in the house. 
Looking back, I wonder why in the world they continued to call me. I was an awful babysitter. I rambled through their things, ate their food, talked on the phone, and drank their liquor. I would die if someone did that to me. 
This is so NOT Marcia Brady........I'm ashamed (not).

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