Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Raise your hand if you had clackers. I don’t mean those hard plastic sissified ones that you cannot miss. I am talking about 2 acrylic balls connected by string and a plastic clip that you had to work hard to get to clack together; the ones that bruised your arms unmercifully; that were heavy and built nice arm muscles in the process of clacking. I had blue ones. I got the blue ones so that they would match the bruises on my wrists and forearms. The plastic clip broke that you held them by, so we tied a knot in the middle and I held the knot. I was quite good after I abused the ulna and radius on both sides. My poor mother thought for sure that I had blood clots that would break off and go to my heart in my sleep. My children had the plastic things that were a “no miss” clack. No pain, no gain, I always say.

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